The energy transition, a fundamental step for the future of humanity and the planet.
When a territory takes part in a RE project, it enters a virtuous circle that gives it greater autonomy in terms of energy and finances. It also gets to participate in the ecological transition on a local and national scale, and acquires the means to rethink the future of that territory.
True to its values and thanks to its expertise, SEPALE can take your projects sky-high by helping project owners and territories to meet modern-day challenges thanks to a balanced model, and innovative, adapted and effective collaborative solutions.
The energy transition, a fundamental step for the future of humanity and the planet.
When a territory takes part in a RE project, it enters a virtuous circle that gives it greater autonomy in terms of energy and finances. It also gets to participate in the ecological transition on a local and national scale, and acquires the means to rethink the future of that territory.
True to its values and thanks to its expertise, SEPALE can take your projects sky-high by helping project owners and territories to meet modern-day challenges thanks to a balanced model, and innovative, adapted and effective collaborative solutions.
Our promise: to be fully committed to the success of renewable energy projects
alongside project owners, financiers and local authorities
in order to meet modern-day challenges.
Our promise: to be fully committed to the success
of renewable energy projects alongside project owners,
financiers and local authorities in order to meet modern-day challenges.
The age of green growth
Renewable energies are a powerful vector in the new Society & Energy paradigm. Combined with the digitalisation of processes and exchanges, and storage and electromobility solutions, they pave the way for a third industrial revolution. In so doing, they provide a whole host of opportunities for territories, local authorities, citizens, project developers, investors, energy producers and consumers.
The thermal and energy renovation of buildings is an essential lever to achieve sobriety and stop wasting our precious energy.
The age of green growth
Renewable energies are a powerful vector in the new Society & Energy paradigm. Combined with the digitalisation of processes and exchanges, and storage and electromobility solutions, they pave the way for a third industrial revolution. In so doing, they provide a whole host of opportunities for territories, local authorities, citizens, project developers, investors, energy producers and consumers.
The thermal and energy renovation of buildings is an essential lever to achieve sobriety and stop wasting our precious energy.

The most efficient
decentralised renewable energy
Wind power is playing an increasingly important role in the reorganisation of the European electricity industry (almost 20% of production in 2020). Wind power has several major advantages: an unbeatable energy payback time, the fact that it does not burden wind turbine installation sites, with systems production and implementation strongly anchored in Europe, and a well-distributed load rate that is correlated with consumption.
For essentially
local benefits
Solar photovoltaic power is the unlimited decentralised renewable energy by excellence. Photovoltaic solar energy is decentralised, unlimited renewable energy par excellence. The technological progress made in panels, storage and digitalized operation makes it possible to envisage both large-scale production on a territorial level (ground-based power plants) as well as small-scale production on car park shades in the heart of existing urban areas (and even individual shades for self-consumption). The tremendous development of agrivoltaics now means that it is possible to combine practices on agricultural sites, for the benefit of all.

A huge source
of energy savings
Improving energy efficiency in buildings has been on the agenda for some time now, but remains extremely complicated to address and therefore a considerable challenge in view of the millions of dwellings concerned and their specific characteristics. Today, ambitious national objectives, a simplified regulatory context and a relevant economic framework are allowing this market to develop, at least for tertiary and multi-dwelling buildings.
Discover the project owner assistance mission for the construction of the largest wind farm in the South of France, the first one to be authorised in the Var in France.

Let’s revitalise
our territories together!
SEPALE’s commitment to renewable energy is coupled with a desire to be beyond reproach in the running of its business.
Transparency, fair sharing, competence and commitment are our credos.
We are convinced that the ideal world can be achieved by being consistent, loyal to our values, and by acting in a truly professional way.

Let’s revitalise
our territories together!
SEPALE’s commitment to renewable energy is coupled with a desire to be beyond reproach in the running of its business.
Transparency, fair sharing, competence and commitment are our credos.
We are convinced that the ideal world can be achieved by being consistent, loyal to our values, and by acting in a truly professional way.