An acceleration lever for financing the energy transition!


123 IM,an independent company specialised in private equity, and Lendosphere, a pioneer in the participatory financing of renewable energies, announce that 123 IM has acquired a majority stake in Lendosphere.

SEPALE is involved as a technical consultant, mainly to analyse the operational and financial soundness of the projects and companies financed or being financed through Lendosphere, and is delighted with this merger, which will accelerate the financing of renewable energies.

We are pleased with the success of this transaction, and would like to thank 123 IM for trusting us for over 7 years. We have no doubt that this alliance between two fully committed and significant players will contribute toward achieving energy transition objectives.
Christophe Bret – CEO, SEPALE

About 123 IM

123 IM is an independent asset management company specialised in private equity, private debt and real estate, with €1.2 billion under management.

20 years of growth have made 123 IM a key player in the financing and supporting of small and mid caps in France and Europe.

About Lendosphère

Created in 2014, Lendosphereis the pioneering platform for participatory financing of the energy transition. With its solid foundations, Lendosphere has become a key player in the financing of the energy transition thanks to its ability to reconcile large-scale operations while directly involving individuals and informed investors in renewable energy projects.


Created in July 2012 by leading RE professionals, SEPALE and its 22 employees has been successfully supporting its clients for almost a decade.

Its expertise encompasses all technical, financial and strategic issues relating to an asset or portfolio of assets in wind power and PV solar energy, or energy efficiency in buildings. At any stage of development, construction or operation, SEPALE can stand in as project manager for the entire project, or for more specific issues.

Furthermore, SEPALE draws on its in-depth knowledge of the administrative, legal and financial aspects of RE projects to provide high-level strategic advice to private and institutional investors, power producers and developers.

Press contact : Trinité Le Gallic – (0)4 67 48 60 06